Improving Students’ Low Frequency Words Achievement through Implementing Modified Keyword Method


My thesis is entitled

Improving Students’ Low Frequency Words Achievement through Implementing Modified Keyword Method

Research Problem

In accordance with the background of the study, the problem that students face is on the low-frequency words. Thus, the research problem can be formulated as follows: How can the achievement of low-frequency words of the second semester of grade XI of multimedia 1 students of academic year 2015/2016 be improved through modified keyword method.

Objective of the study

The study aims at improving the achievement of low-frequency words of the second semester of grade XI of multimedia 1 students of academic year 2015/2016 through modified keyword method.

Significance of the Study

The finding of this study is expected to be valuable for both teachers and other researchers. Teachers can use this keyword method as an effort to improve students’ vocabulary learning. And, this study is also expected to provide reference for researchers who conduct a research in vocabulary learning, mainly in the use of keyword method.


Pembimbing: (1) Prof. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A., Ph.D (2) Dr. Enny Irawati, M.Pd.

Penguji: (1) Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A (2) Dr. Imanuel Hitipeuw, M.A


Anjar Muttaqin was born on September 9th, 1986 in Ujung Pandang (now Makassar) South Sulawesi. He is the third son of Kalpin Hidayat and Sahara Kasau. His siblings are Ana Kuliahana, Andy Putra, Angky Juliadha, Anindya Fitri. He graduated from SDN 6 Palu Central Sulawesi in 1998, finished his Junior High School from SMP 3 Palu in 2001, and graduated from SMA 4 Palu in 2004. He then continued his study to Tadulako University and finished there in 2010. In the same year, he worked for Open University as a freelance lecturer. A year later, in 2011 he decided to pursue his career dream as a lecturer and continued his study to take a graduate degree at State University of Malang. Recently, he establishes a forum of learning English with several of his friends that they name MTI Malang under one of the names of Islamic Organization.

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