Developing a Model of an Online Reading Summative Test For College Students of Reading Comprehension

In STKIP PGRI Jombang, the problems about the previous reading comprehension 2 course are about the impracticality and the timing which is time consuming. So, the objective of this research is to produce a model of an online reading summative test in expectation to replace the previous test which is impractical and time consuming. By having this online test, the benefits are the availability of a test that is practical, time effective and also it goes along with the development of technology in the era.


Dr. Suharmanto, M.Pd

Prof. Dr. Punaji Setyosari, M.Pd, M.Ed


Prof. Dr. Gunadi Harry Sulistyo, M.A.

Fachrurrazy, M.A., Ph.D.


  1. Nama : Sofa
  2. Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
  3. Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Jombang, 13 November 1989
  4. Status : Menikah
  5. Agama : Islam
  6. Alamat : Dsn. Juning RT/RW 001/01, Ds. Mojoduwur, Kec. Mojowarno, Kab. Jombang
  7. Telpon : 085733999677/082257603773
  8. Email :

Riwayat Pendidikan

  1. TK             : RA Mu’awanah Al-Hasyimiyah 1995
  2. SD             : MI Mu’awanah Al-Hasyimiyah 2001
  3. SMP          : SMP Negeri 2 Mojoagung 2004
  4. SMA          : SMA Negeri Mojoagung 2007
  5. Perguruan Tinggi: STKIP PGRI Jombang 2012

Pengalaman Organisasi dan Prestasi

  1. Staf Akademik Cambridge Centre 110 UM tahun 2013-2015
  2. Palang Merah Indonesia 2005-2010
  3. Relawan English Maniac 2011-2015
  4. Peraih Beasiswa Unggulan DIKTI 2012
  5. Pemenang Lomba Palang Merah Tingkat Provinsi 2007

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